


Yeah, Beija Flor!

Life has a way of changing all of our well-thought-out plans. In a moment, how you relate to your career, your friends, your hobbies, your family, can change. This moment for Beija was when her father became one of the first COVID-19 patients. She immediately moved home to Seattle to be with her family. Back in Seattle, Beija discovered cycling and it soon became her mood elevator, her escape from reality and sleepless nights.

Beija wrote a wonderful piece for us this year and we’re stoked to see her getting some recognition by our parent company, The Pro’s Closet!


Just Wait Til They Get Packrafts!

What happens when everything in mountain biking has already been done? Rather than swapping their 29″ bikes for mullets or testing the limits of handlebar widths, sibling teammates Ryan and Becky Gardner decide to give up racing altogether to become high alpine extreme tubers. However, pioneering a sport is never easy; Becky and Ryan have faced many hurdles and endless judgment along the way. The Gardners share a common goal: snagging first tubing descents in previously tubeless high alpine lakes.


Montanus: Vivid

Vivid, a short film by Montanus, explores the memories created by the most meaningful experiences found on two wheels. For Montanus the most vivid memory was their first bikepacking trip together back in 2013. Riding bikes with 26” wheels and carrying big, heavy backpacks, Francesco D’Alessio and Giorgio Frattale set out to bikepack before bikepacking was a thing. It was in the spirit of adventure that they took themselves 1900 meters above sea level to sleep in a little hut, because…why not? Eight years later they find themselves aptly equipped with the right gear and the right bikes-the Kona Hei Hei CRs. Easy on the climbs and fun on the way down, we’re sure they’re going to continue to create the most vivid memories from their experiences in the wild.


Cory Wallace: To The Moon

Cory Wallace took the idea of Everesting and added his own twist… a world-record attempt at both Everesting and double Everesting. That’s right double Everesting—nearly 60,000 feet of vertical gain in one go. Sound impossible? Crazy? Welcome to Cory’s mind, where the impossible becomes just another interesting idea and insane is all in how you frame a challenge. Battling smoke and summer heat, Cory set out to achieve what most of us would deem impossible.


Going Nowhere

Trail dogs are the best and in the latest video from Kona, we get an introduction to Luna, the 11-year old who loves to rip around on trails…


Paint the Town

Kona Ambassador Gretchen Leggitt has created a niche for herself as a muralist of grandiose proportions. Her impeccable line work can be seen on buildings and walls in major cities across the west. She has transformed a plethora of blank walls in her hometown of Bellingham, Washington with paintings of landscapes, flora, portraits, and our personal favorite, the Kona Astrowhip. In her most recent project, Gretchen teamed up with Coast Salish artist Jason LaClair to create a gorgeous 720’ long piece paying homage to cultural roots of the region and the significance of the annual salmon run.

Check out more from this project at Kona.