Ruthworks to Close in May, Discounting Entire Catalog


Ruthworks to Close in May, Discounting Entire Catalog

San Francisco-based bag maker Ruthworks announced on its Instagram today that it will be closing in May. To ease the pain of shuttering its bag-making enterprise, Ely announced that he has a 40% off sale going on…

“Ruthworks will be closing in May 2024. 14 Years of sewing is way too much! I’ve enjoyed making bags for my friends and new friends around the world, but it’s time to rest my aching hands, get more miles in my legs, and move on to the the next thing. Do awesome things and help others. Thank you everyone!” – Ely

In the time it took us to draft this up, Ruthworks has sold through its bag collection, but there are Double Hearts patches left

We wish Ely the best with his next adventure!